The road to success requires a lot of hard work and sacrifice. We all know the stories of people who worked like crazy to achieve great success. You might think that these people are born with a tremendous amount of discipline to work through discomfort but they are the same as you and me. They also procrastinate, battle depression, and have trouble finding motivation for work. However, when hit a wall of lack of motivation, they use techniques to work through discomfort. Today you will learn some tips on how to find more work motivation.
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Find the meaning in the work.
Before working on anything, ask yourself why are doing this. What is the purpose of the work you are doing? If you don’t have a meaning behind your job, you will not have the purpose of the work. So next time you are having trouble writing an article or making a new video and found yourself being unmotivated to continue take a few moments to see why are doing this and what is the aim of the completed job.
Working hard on paper makes you very sleepy and tired. One of the best ways to awaken your body is to move around. Working out for at least 30 min a day will keep your body in check. You cannot have a strong mind and a weak body, you need to have both. Take a note to stand from your chair every hour and stretch for 5 minutes. Not only it will wake you, but it will also give a boost of motivation to continue working. We become lazy if we stay still for too long, so moving brings some new energy.
Break down into small chunks
How to eat an elephant? One-piece at a time of course. Just thinking about writing an essay might feel intimidating, but if you break it down into little manageable chunks, the task will be much easier to accomplish. Start with the title, prologue, and table of contents. Take a break. Write headings and subheadings. Take a break. Working with a manageable workload after a while you will have written an essay.
After a while, you will understand that success does not come from motivation but from habits of doing stuff, you are supposed to do. Motivation is connected to willpower, when we have plenty of willpower we find it easy to stay motivated. Nevertheless, willpower is a limited source of energy, after a while if we persist through a task we do not find it a bit amusing, we cave in. Willpower helps us just to push out of our comfort zone, so we can perform better and work longer. So how to use willpower? If your goal is to run a marathon at the end of the year, start running for 5-10 minutes. After a few days, run for 20-30 minutes. Similar to working with manageable tasks, we are leveling up. By the end of the year, you will be able to run the entire marathon without problems.
Find it hard to start working or to continue? We have to embrace discomfort when we want a change in our lives. Before we become accustomed to a new routine or a new habit, we experience a lot of discomforts. Any change scares us and as our defensive instinct, we are searching for excuses to discontinue and to return to our comfort zone. A change of perspective helps to combat discomfort. We cannot totally avoid uncomfortable situations but we can see them as a stepping stone to become a better person. Growth is hidden in discomfort, we either move forward or stay behind.
Pain / Pleasure for work motivation
One of the greatest motivational forces in us is the pain and pleasure elements. Some of us are more motivated by avoiding pain and some are more to acquiring pleasure or reward. Are you more looking forward to the result, or are you more frighten if you fail. Some people use both in work motivation. Real change comes when the pain of staying the same is bigger than the pain of change. It might be uncomfortable, to approach a new situation, but over time regret will be far more painful than that moment of discomfort.
These are just some of the techniques we are using in our everyday life to find more work motivation. I hope you have found these tips useful in any way share them with your friends.